
SCB IG programme video interview


先感謝你上app答,我teammate同我哋講你即刻上咗嚟問我哋一定即答😂🙏🏻 但咁好嘅咁突然又有VI嘅?Mind唔mind share吓咩stream?

先overall講吓SCB IG assessment先。每年一樣,正常黎講4 rounds:Apt Test (Strength Assessment) -> Online video interview (5 questions about your personality) -> Business Interview (depends on your stream chosen) -> Final Interview (Depends on your stream chosen) 

(Btw 前年揀GBCF嘅係多一round business interview,但問嘅嘢差唔多,純粹見多個人。)

其實SCB IG VI出名standard,今年好似得第一條係新😂 每條俾30秒諗,1分半鐘答,total 5條。我哋概括咗上網唔同source做咗個summary,應該都唔會走得出手指屘㗎啦:

1. Why do you think you fit the business area you apply to?
2. How do you deal with failure?
3. Imagine that you have been told a piece of work you completed contains an error. WHat would you do next?
4. How do you typically approach working with complex information or data?
5. Think of something you do or see everyday.

1. The piece of work in your work experience or university.
2. Imagine that you've been assigned a task but don't have enough time, how to deal with it with the highest standard.
3. How do you deal with failures?
4. If you are the client inthe standard charted bank, which service do you expect to have?
5. How to ensure othersto feel confident in your ability?
6. What are the advantages of adapting others communication style?
7. If your work has been found errors, how to deal with it?
8. What is the approach of dealing with complex information or data?
9. If today is your first day to work at SCB, how do you build relationship with you new team?
10. Why do you enjoy working with others?
11. Introduceyour recent topic you focuse on.
12. Something happed everday in your life, if you want to improve it, how?

全部都係very personal,做番自己就得。

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