

請問bea mt individual presentation & Q&A 通常問啲咩?&有咩致命位?thanks! 

presentation 見話到時比30mins 準備ppt, 只限3頁,請問係咪即係唔洗寫自己名係第一頁呢啲?🤔


Heyyyyy thanks for the question.

For the individual presentation, usually it will be asking around either (1) bank product/service-related or (2) bank culture / values.

When you ask about the potential traps, I guess it mostly falls into the misunderstanding of bank's offerings as those interviews are working in a real bank right? So do not compete in the content itself. Try to showcase your way of thinking, eg showing more about your way to provide solutions. Do not try to do so many "extraordinary" things during the presentation as you are interviewing a bank. There can be gimmicks but again be reminded, be careful as well.

Talking about self-introduction, one way to do that is to just keep your name at the bottom (footer) on every page of the slides if you think it is needed but subtle enough. Yea, better not to occupy one more slide on the cover / name.

gOOD LUCK BTW!!! Please do help us by sharing your interview experience with them la, really appreciate that!! 👉🏻👉🏻

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