
Hsbc markets ac

想問下hsbc markets graduate analyst ac點prep🙏🏻
係咪要每個asset classes都prep下🙏🏻
(有prep左近期啲market news)


Heyyy hello!!

Sorry that as there will be rounds of panel interviews, the questions really depend on the interviewers....But can definitely share with you about the previous example questions for your reference and sharings from users:

Previous AC would be around 5 hours...including 2hrs on 4 micro digital tasks + 2.5 hours (3 rounds panel in)...not sure this year tho.

Especially for the panel interviews, you really need to prepare on the product and market knowledge. Questions will be like these:

1. Behavourial (e.g. biggest challenge and some workplace scenarios)

2. Motivational (why HSBC, why SS, qualities to be a successful GA etc.)

3. Technicals (e.g. understanding of custody, low-interest rate environment, bitcoin trading) 佢每一個topic問到真係好deep, like 有3-4 follow up questions on that topic

I hope the above helps...please do help in sharing us with your interview content so that we can help the future applicants!!! 👉🏻👉🏻

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