
Advisory Intern

我今年final year想喺grad之前試多啲唔同industry嘅intern,之前試過publishing同PR,但係宜家想試下一啲management consulting。呢幾日上kmpg同Accenture嘅網都仲見到佢地個internship recruitment post,想問下如果宜家報佢地仲會唔會收?😢定係一定要報佢地嘅summer internship?

因為我本身讀social science所以一直都冇留意呢方面,其實佢地揀人會唔會想要一啲本身已經有呢方面知識同經驗嘅人?


Hey Sammy! 想入management consulting真心唔係一件易事,對business student已經難,何況無intern無case competition無相關經驗嘅你...

雖然都見有部分grad job入到唔同公司management consulting嘅roles其實都未必有similar interns,但佢哋大多都有相對多嘅business field interns,又或者同公司其他role;但更多嘅真係本身已經係consulting intern,所以競爭真心大。

依家仲有無得報intern嚟講要睇實我哋deadline,不過無記錯比較大機會過到screening嘅大scale programme都已經過行緊/完咗interview了。

一係直接aim MBB,佢哋唔睇exp/major,但你一定要係target school同GPA 3.6以上,咁就有機會有test做同case + line interview了🙄

雖然好難,但如果你唔怕遲仲肯做番啲嘢,不妨一試一啲student consultancy group;近排幫Juvunate宣傳,佢哋睇potential睇passion instead of relevant exp,有training有case做之中亦可以network到MBB人(founder本身剛剛入咗Bain,仲要係喺英國入😳),可以睇睇:


Hi Sammy, I am a Social Science student myself as well and even though it is not easy to get into consulting/advisory, it is definitely possible. Firms will be willing to give u preliminary tests and interview opportunities if you are from a target school (and ideally have a good GPA, though I think this mainly applies to MBB).

If you really have an interest in consulting and want to boost your chances, I think there are a few things you could try:

1. Secure some related activities beforehand, whether it is case competition or activities that allows you to participate consulting projects, e.g. the aforementioned Juvenate consulting, 180 degrees consulting etc... Alternatively, if you are not able to find people to participate in case competitions with you or if you are not able to secure a spot in consulting related activities, you could consider participating in open access consulting virtual internship programs designed by BCG, KPMG and others on InsideSherpa, which also enables you to gather more insight about consulting and experience basic job duties of consulting firms

2. Practice case interviews, this is probably the most difficult part of the application process and you should be practicing them before you even apply to firms! Honestly doing these practice allows you to understand whether you are suitable to be a consultant. I think you should definitely try to find friends to practice cases together and you can have a better idea on whether consulting is the right path for you at this moment

All in all, as the demand and difficulty for consulting/advisory is high, you would need to work hard to upskill and prepare yourself beforehand. The more you grind the higher your chances of getting into a consulting firm (whether it is internship/grad programs). Best of luck and add oil!!! 💪🏼💪🏼
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