
It Grad Job


嚟緊2023畢業 想搵有關backend developer嘅工作 之前有做過Accenture 1年placement 想做返類似vendor嘅公司 因為可以接觸到唔同類型嘅project 所以想問下

1. 香港仲有邊啲同類型嘅公司

2. fresh grad應該搵咩規模(細/中/mnc)公司




Hey thanks for your questions! To be honest I seldomly heard from students / fresh graduates that they would opt for vendors but not in-house. But yea it's quite personal!

(1) For "IT vendors", it ususally refers to companies owning their own products, eg IBM, or Mircosoft, or AWS blar blar blar. So if you wish to explore companies like Accenture, you may want to explore IBM as well. We from time to time saw some tech firms eg Siemens, Motarola Solutions, and Huawei hiring for intern / grad developer positions that are providing their own products / solutions which should also be "vendors" in your sense I guess? But if you are talking about taking projects which are on a large corporate scale, you may want to explore also technology consulting positions eg from Big4.

(2) For sure you should go for bigger names at the start of your career, which will bring you enormous benefits for your portfolio for (i) branding effects, and (2) if you are applying for in-house positions you may have extensive exp in that particular products which may favour your application!



Thanks for Anthony’s answer.

May I also ask what is the difference between solution integrator (SI) and vendor because I found that people will label Accenture as SI and I am not familiar with those terms.

Also, I would like to know some SI companies in Hong Kong.

Thanks again.

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