
進入Consultant 行業

Job Seeker
Job Seeker
有意進入Consult 行業,睇過龍頭果幾間公司在Job ad,有啲 consultant position 係按行業分 team 。(eg. McMkinsey 有請緊Experienced Consultant -Insurance 同 Experienced Consultant-  Mckinsey Digital) 如果我無Consultant 經驗,但有相關行業經驗會被考慮嗎?同埋有啲咩可以準備增加同Consultant 相關嘅經驗?見到有啲Consult 公司請人要求有Lean Six Sigma Certificate,想知係咩嚟?


Thanks for your questions! Yes you are right. Mostly for Experienced Hires in the field of management consulting, it refers to attracting candidates with solid and extensive experience in the particular field, but not necessarily management consulting experience. If you are with such experience and are a strong problem-solver, plus better if you take an MBA from a prestigious business school, you may find it smoother to get into management consulting than when you are a fresh graduate.

For "Lean Six Sigma", it is a tool for someone to identify and solve problems. If you are somehow exposed to "Design Thinking" during your university times, you can consider both as tools for one to identify and solve problems with steps and structure. It is quite a transferrable certification that you may want to explore more on free channels eg YouTube / other MOOCs even if you are not getting into the management consulting industry.

Oh btw, if you later prepare for your interviews for the management consulting positions, you may find this course helpful:

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